3 Secrets of Staffing Success

Staffing success might seem like a hard to reach pinnacle, but if you learn from these three secrets of highly-successful staffing companies, you too can watch your staffing company prosper and thrive.

  1. Internal Efficiency and Excellence This comes from keen attention to making sure your company’s internal systems are running as smoothly as possible, and also by recruiting the most talented personnel.
  1. Good Outreach This involves great marketing, recruiting, and advertising efforts. Successful staffing companies have a great presence on social media, a memorable identity and mission, and are known for excellence. With all these things they are able to attract both the best clients and the best employees.
  1. Strong Cash Flow and Constant Source of Funding Though many staffing companies mistakenly rely on seasonal increases in business and, at times, loans, to achieve a strong cash flow, this is bound to fail when seasonal slumps come around or when the hassle of applying for and using a loan becomes too costly. Instead, successful staffing companies use invoice factoring to ensure they have a strong cash flow all the time, and a flexible, constant source of funding that’s easy to use, available on demand, and that grows as their business grows.

Hopefully, following these tips will enable your staffing company to achieve greater success! See if invoice factoring is right for your growing staffing company.

12 Marketing Tips for Staffing

Marketing is the way you build your brand, how you establish the importance of what you do, connect with a greater audience, and strengthen your connections with your clients. It’s a very important aspect of any staffing agency’s success. Here are 12 of the best tips to market your staffing agency, whether that be social media, over other media, or in the physical world:

  1. Engage with people’s emotions first and their intelligence second. Time and again the things that go viral or even just get a few more clicks are the things that elicit strong and immediate emotional reactions.
  2. Market discriminately. You will save money, energy, and time if you identify your target audience right away and market to them exclusively.
  3. Embrace consistency. Make sure your plan all your ads simultaneously if you can, or try your best to keep your approach and message consistent across all fronts.
  4. Be concise! Limit your content to something readable by someone with a very short attention span. This means use less words but use them more powerfully. Know exactly what you want to say and be efficient.
  5. Show don’t tell! In a TV ad, what’s more powerful—a picture of office building with narration saying “we are boring,” or a bird’s eye shot of employees sitting around a table, sighing and holding their heads in their hands?
  6. Develop your own unique brand! Yes, look at competitor’s branding strategies for ideas, but ultimately you can’t stand apart without being distinct.
  7. Urgency is engaging. Encourage hurry and develop a sense of imperativeness whenever possible.
  8. Similarly, don’t waste time getting to the most important part of your message. If possible, the very first or second thing someone sees should be what you want to get across, and the rest of your content should be supporting that.
  9. Use testimonial evidence as much as possible! Self-praising isn’t as convincing as getting someone else to sell the great points of your service.
  10. Harness SEO basics: use (but don’t overuse) keywords and include internal links! Main keywords should be in the first sentence. This will help search engines find your online content, to spread your message to a wider audience.
  11. See things from the perspective of the customer, rather than trying to convince the customer of your perspective.
  12. If you are saving people money, don’t just say that. Say how much money you’re saving. Quantified information is always more engaging than unquantified.

Marketing can be complicated. Hopefully we’ve cleared it up a little more. Follow these 12 tips to increase your marketing success, and watch your staffing agency flourish. While a growing agency is a goal of staffing company owner’s, if can be hard to keep up with finances. Staffing factoring is great for payroll funding and other cash flow influxes.

4 Counter-Intuitive Strategies to Grow Your Staffing Agency

You want to grow your staffing agency, but how? Sometimes the most obvious strategies aren’t right. Likewise, sometimes the best methods of growth are the least obvious. Here are 4 counter-intuitive strategies you can use to grow your staffing agency!

  1. Engage with your competitors. “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” applies to competing staffing agencies as well. Despite competitive rivalries, you could actually accomplish more by finding ways to temporary pool your resources and efforts to increase business for everyone.
  2. Embrace unknowns. Sticking only to things that you’re sure of is safe, but ultimately won’t get you much growth.
  3. Focus on improving your weaknesses instead of just supporting your strengths. As we wrote here, although shifting your weaknesses to the forefront might be difficult and embarrassing, in the long run companies that have paid attention to and improved their weaknesses will be much more successful.
  4. If you need funding, don’t go with a bank-loan! Invoice factoring is much better. Not only is invoice factoring for staffing easier to use and get approved for, and is more flexible, than a bank-loan, but invoice factoring is also the only type of funding that grows as your business grows. Additionally, you can factor your invoices repeatedly without having to re-apply, unlike a bank-loan. This means you can use invoice factoring to secure a permanently strong cash flow for your staffing agency.

Learn more about invoice factoring for startups to see if it’s a beneficial financing option.